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The Conversation God Longs For

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

Are you in an ongoing, nonstop conversation with God? I mean, the kind where you’re attentively listening and quick to reply.

I think that’s the idea behind the command to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) - acknowledging God's presence throughout the day, including Him in our decisions, thanking Him for His help, looking to Him for guidance, and then stopping to respond to His goodness, grace, and glory with worship.

As we carefully listen to God’s voice throughout the day, we hear Him saying things like:

“Follow Me” (Luke 9:23), “Draw near to listen” (Ecclesiastes 5:1), “Don’t fear” (Luke 5:10), “What do you want Me to do for you?” (Mark 10:51), “Be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:9), “Come to Me” (Matthew 11:28), “Be still and know I am God” (Psalm 46:10), “Have faith in Me” (Mark 11:22), and “I love you” (John 17:23).

When our hearts are inclined to hear His gentle words – drawing and encouraging, reminding and comforting, rebuking and loving us – they fuel the fire of our worship.*

Because there’s nothing more beautiful than His voice and His face. Nothing more powerful. Nothing more unspeakably awesome and holy.

Correction: nothing more “holy, holy, holy” (Revelation 4:8)!

If you’re struggling to worship throughout the week – struggling to want to worship – focus on nurturing your ongoing conversation with God. And don’t neglect to surrender to His voice calling you and pleading with you to come to the quiet place – the “secret place” (Psalm 91:1) – to commune with Him.

Don’t hear Him? Lean in further. Wait longer. Respond to the prompts to confess sin. Surrender all.

And then do it again.

We can’t out-seek God! We can’t wear-out His desire to be with us, His eagerness to encourage us, or His passion to share Himself with us.

And then respond in complete surrender with all that you are to all of the God who is passionately revealing Himself to you. That’s the worship part of the conversation. The most important part of the conversation – and our calling as believers in Jesus (Philippians 2:9-11).

He’s always waiting and longing for your heart to commune with His. And He joyfully receives any humble offering of worship you have to pour out.

I hit shuffle on my iTunes yesterday and a song popped up that I had completely forgotten about, “Come to Me” by Jenn Johnson and Bethel Music. The song is a beautiful picture of the conversation between God and the believer. “Come to Me; I’m all you need,” and the response, “We come to You, ‘cause You’re all we need.”

He loves it when He reveals, “Here’s who I am,” and we respond with, “I believe! I worship You!”

Please take the time to make this powerful song your conversation with God. (It’s a little long, but don’t cut it off early! Your response starts at 4:40.)

Engage in the listening – and then the responding. Let your conversation with God usher you into worship. Everyday. Do you hear Him?

Enjoy ~

*Matt Redman quote: “The revelation of God is the fuel for the fire of our worship.”  From his book, The Unquenchable Worshipper, (Regal Books, 2001), p.25

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