The 365 pages of 2014 are, as of yet, unwritten. Who/what this year will receive our most passionate worship – our greatest attention, affection, devotion, adoration – our bowed knee?
Making an unyielding determination now what your most passionate pursuit of 2014 will be goes a long way in setting the tone for the year. Yet it’s a moment-by-moment choice we will all make to let God have His rightful place in the center of our lives and worship - to seek Him first and not second.
It’s each individual’s decision to make. But thankfully God has put us in community with one other for encouragement along the way. Worshiping the Almighty God brings great spiritual battle, since Satan despises it! So we need to stand together and read the truth of His word
together – grow to know Him, love Him, and worship Him.
How will you engage in a greater pursuit of worshiping your God this year? How will you encourage others to do the same?
Subscribe to this worship blog (so you don’t miss the weekly posts), and share it with others, so we can encourage one another and glorify Him together. Invite others to study Worship and the Word with you. May 2014 see a growth in the glory that our amazing God deserves!
“Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD. Praise the name of the LORD. Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and forever. From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised” Psalm 113:1-3.
Happy New Year and God bless! Pam
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