I was born with a home-lovin’ heart. I recall emphatically telling my mom as a young girl that I would never leave Knoxville (TN) or marry a boy who would want me to move. Since that time, I’ve moved nine times – involving 4 states, six times between those states, and never returning to live anywhere close to my beloved Tennessee since I left (aka: since God moved me) over 35 years ago.

Within those moves, I’ve had moments in my life when everything seemed perfect – like my heart felt at home again – only to have the rug pulled out from under me one more time. Stability often seemed elusive. Stability often seems elusive.
Could it be that God doesn’t want me to think this earth could ever meet the deepest desires of my stability-loving heart?
I’ve also been watching a lot of shake-ups going on around me – jobs, health, families, churches, you name it. And whether the changes are positive or difficult, still some people handle them well while others continue to grasp for what was. (Admittedly, I know both sides of that well.)
It seems like we often think what we need is no more change! But the type of stability we really require is the constancy of life’s very foundation. The former has frequently eluded my life. But (when I allow) the latter hasn’t – because its very source is God. No, it is God.
“He will be the stability of your times, A wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge” (Isaiah 33:6).
God Himself is our stability, and He never, ever changes (James 1:17)!
The One who gave us the very breath of life will carry us through this life and then into His eternity.
So how do we find that elusive stability while our feet are on this ever-changing planet? By clinging to Him, the Stability of our times, and His promises – instead of settling for a powerless, unfulfilling, ever-changing imposter elsewhere.
“God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;
Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, The holy dwelling places of the Most High.
God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns. . . .
‘Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth’”
(Psalm 46:1-5, 10).
These verses remind us that prioritizing our time spent with God not only brings us a greater revelation of who He is, but it lays the very foundation for our life – providing our much needed stability.
And the very best part? It also turns us into His worshipers.
My heart’s desire for stability hasn’t changed one bit from my early years, but the source of that stability has. My situational stability seems as elusive as ever in some ways. But “the stability of my times” holds my heart close and tight – if I let Him. He is called . . .
God my Rock God our strength Lord who is there Lord will Provide My help My hiding place My hope My refuge in times of trouble Our dwelling place (Love that one!)
Feel like the mountains are slipping into the heart of the sea? Or maybe your heart just simply longs for home? We will always find all we need and in rich abundance in our God (Philippians 4:13). And living a life that trusts Him as our Rock, our dwelling place, and our strength compels us to our knees to worship Him.
“Be still – know[ing] [He] is God.” Like the psalmist above, proclaim the truth of who He is amidst the uncertainty and changes of Your life. And as you find that elusive stability on your knees, He will be exalted through you!
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