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5 Day Worship Challenge

Welcome to the 5-Day Worship Challenge! I am excited about this!


You’re invited to join me in a worship challenge venture for 5 days. (Preferably 5 days in a row, if possible.) My desire is to help us all engage in daily times of personal worship and to help us discover tools that might encourage or even ignite that time. God created us all uniquely, so we will have different responses to these challenges. But I hope they inspire growth and passion in our walks with God and in our personal worship lives. I also hope that as you engage you will share with us here how your challenge went. Let’s encourage one another in this. I’m excited about the possibilities! Let’s do it!


[Note: You’ll find the descriptions of the twelve, 5-Day Worship Challenges below. But you’ll find more details by clicking on the title link to go to the full challenge description.]

5-Day Worship Challenge #1!

Make a list of areas of your life where you need or desire to experience God more. Identify the names or characteristics of God that correspond to those needs (refer to the Names, Titles, and Descriptions of God page, also found in the upper toolbar under W&W Tools), and spend 15 minutes (or longer if time allows) everyday praying, seeking, reflecting, and writing out your prayers of worship focusing those aspects of God. [More here.]


5-Day Worship Challenge #2!

He is risen! It’s a great time to focus our worship on what our incredible Savior did for us so that we might have life! Start the first day of your challenge writing out what the significance of the Easter story is to you personally. Be quiet before God and write anything He reveals as you consider both His crucifixion and resurrection. Read related Biblical passages to fill your mind with the truth and power of Jesus’ sacrifice on your behalf. Spend at least 15 minutes each of the 5 days offering back to God in worship all that He poured out for you. [More here.]


5-Day Worship Challenge #3!  

Choose a favorite passage of scripture that expresses worship to God. Read it out loud to Him at least 3 different times each day (or more if you need it) and use it during your daily prayer time as part of your worship to God. Your goal is to have it memorized by the end of the 5 days. [More here.]


5-Day Worship Challenge #4!  

Write your own worship “psalm” to the Lord every day for the next 5 days. OR begin and add more to the same one each day. Use it to proclaim who He is, remember what He has done, and profess your trust in what He will do. Don’t neglect to include repentance if He reveals something to you along the way. And end your time each day by reading it aloud to Him. (And imagine the joy on your God’s face!) [More here.]


5-Day Worship Challenge #5!  

On each of your 5 days, pick one name or characteristic of God that you feel like you already experience and connect with closely, and then write out how that aspect of God has already impacted your life. Be specific. Then pray and ask God if there are other ways or other areas of your life that you need to be trusting Him for that aspect more. By the end of the week you should have five of these.


Also on each day, pick one name or characteristic of God that you don’t feel like you particularly connect with. It could be something that you think you need to be reminded of, understand better, or even something that you actually struggle to grasp or trust about God. Then pray and ask Him to show you how He might want you to trust or relate to that aspect of Him in your life. Again, write it out and be specific. By the end of the week, you should also have 5 of these.


Spend time each day thanking and worshiping God for each name/characteristic that you’ve chosen up to that point in the week. Write them down so you can see and meditate on them throughout your day. The goal is to grow in the knowledge of God and allow who He is to have a greater impact in our lives and our worship! [More here.]


5-Day Worship Challenge #6!

This is a week focusing on our overall posture in worship. The Bible calls worshipers to not only have bowed hearts and minds, but to have an overall posture that is yielded to the Holy Spirit and that engages our entire being before God. Read through these worship passages each of your 5 days, and DO what you read. If you read “I bow,” then bow. If you read “I lift my hands,” then lift your hands. If you read “I clap my hands,” then clap your hands. Fulfill the posture of your words, not just in your heart and mind, but with your whole self. As you enter this personal time of worship, ask God to help you to physically, mentally, and emotionally enter into the expressions of joy, surrender, reverence, acceptance, and affection with all of the sincerity that the psalmists were expressing towards God when they wrote them. [More here.]


5-Day Worship Challenge #7!  

This month our focus is on incorporating worship into our prayer time for ourselves and others. There are many examples in the Psalms of people being drawn into a time of supplication during times of worship. So let’s spend this week purposefully combining the two.


Write out prayer requests for your yourself, family, and friends, and then assign names and/or characteristics of God that correspond to each request. As you pray for these requests each day, worship God for those truths about Him that relate to each one. It’s amazing how our perspective is transformed when we focus on the truths of who God is in relation to our requests! Be sensitive if the Spirit leads you to spend a little more time on the worship aspect of your prayer time. [More here.]


5-Day Worship Challenge #8!  

The goal of this worship challenge is to fill our minds and worship with the names of God. It’s a great follow-up to my post, “Why should I know His name?”.  As we discussed there, the Bible tells us that knowing God’s names is important and exalting in His name is expected. So for each of your 5 days this week, spend time filling your mind and your mouth with God’s names in worship – positioning ourselves before God to humbly behold all He might reveal. [More here.]


5-Day Worship Challenge #9!  

Our goal this month is to worship Jesus – the Son of God who came to earth as a man. And we’ll do that by spending some extra time on this wonderful, prophetic verse out of Isaiah. “For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).


What a great verse to focus on for 5 days. For the first 4 days, choose a different one of these names of Jesus in this verse to spend extra time on in worship. Spend time worshiping Him for being your Wonderful Counselor (or whichever) and for all that means to you personally. Be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading as to whether you need to enter into a time of confession as you submit to Jesus in each of these ways – as your Wonderful Counselor, your Mighty God, your Eternal Father, and your Prince of Peace.

On the 5th day you will have done all 4 names individually, so now worship God for being all of these things to you and more. On this day, look at the additional names and titles of Jesus on this page to bring into your time of worship of Him. Jesus’ names are powerful, so spend enough time so that the reality of each one digs deep into your core. [More here.]


5-Day Worship Challenge #10!  

In Psalm 92:1-2 we’re encouraged, “It is good to give thanks to the LORD And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning And Your faithfulness by night.”


This verse is obviously speaking of the start and finish of a day, but I think that urging is quite fitting as we begin a new year and put another to bed as well. So spend some time over your 5 days looking back at the year behind and writing out where God’s faithfulness was evident. I know this could be a long list, but don’t rush it. Ask God to open your eyes to His hand at work over the past year, and make a note of each thing He brings to mind.


It might help to think of different areas of your life – personal, spiritual life, family, relationships, health, job, etc. Make sure that you don’t interpret that God was faithful only when things went as you hoped. But God’s faithfulness also carries us, protects us, teaches us, and guides us (and lots of other things) in the times of struggles or disappointments. Then spend time thanking God for those specific times of faithfulness and worshiping Him for who He was to you in those times.


Also spend time proclaiming His lovingkindness as you look into the year ahead. Think through each of the different areas of your life again, and write out prayers inviting God’s movement in each of them. Thank Him for His future faithfulness and worship Him for who you know He will be in the year ahead. Again, don’t rush this. Seek God’s wisdom and insight for how He might want you to be praying and moving ahead in different areas. And worship Him that He is who He says He is – past, present, and future! [More here.]


5-Day Worship Challenge #11!  

This past year I’ve been extremely inspired and motivated by Beth Moore’s book, Believing God. (I highly encourage everyone to buy and read it!) In her book, Beth shares “a five-statement pledge of faith that encompasses virtually everything we’re challenged to believe.” Those five statements are:


  • God is who He says He is.

  • God can do what He says He can do.

  • I am who God says I am.

  • I can do all things through Christ.

  • God’s Word is alive and active in me.


For this worship challenge, let’s take these 5 statements and use them to inspire our worship! Take each statement and dig into it. Invite the Holy Spirit to speak into your soul what each of these really says about God and your relationship with Him. And then respond to all He reveals to you in worship! [More here.]


5-Day Worship Challenge #12!

This 5-Day Worship Challenge focuses on bringing a worshipful attitude towards God into our everyday routine. Because if you’re like me, things don’t happen just because I know they should. I’m just distractible enough to need a committed plan to help me follow through with things. Even important things – like worship. I think that’s why my post, 10 Ways to Infuse Worship into Your Routine, resonated with so many people.


So referring back to that post for this 5-day challenge, look over this list of ten ways (ok, 11) to infuse worship into your everyday routine. And then choose two or 3 (that you don’t already do) to focus on for each of your 5 days. Make a plan, write it down so you can refer to it often, and stick to it! Who knows – you might just begin a powerful, life-long worship habit! [More here.]


Thanks for joining me in these worship challenges. You’re invited to keep coming back and trying new ones until you find one or two that truly resonate with your soul and inspire you to worship God. I’d also encourage you to invite others to join you on the challenges! And as always, expect God to move!

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Pamela Haddix Author and Worship Blog Writer

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Hi, I’m Pamela (ok, call me Pam), and whoever you are and wherever you are (in life or location), I’m glad you’re here! Hopefully this site will help you draw closer to God.


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