Hi. I'm Pam.
I’m a southerner living in the midwest. Home has been the Holland/Grand Rapids, MI area for quite a while, but I was born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee – with 19 years in Indianapolis in-between. (I call a lot of places home.) After graduating from University of Tennessee with a music degree in flute performance (minor in voice), I went on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ, Int’l/Cru for 10 years, traveling with a band around the country/world using music as a tool to reach people for Christ.
Early in that awesome time of my life, I met my wonderful, gifted husband, John, (also a musician in ministry with me) and had two amazing daughters, Lindsy and Krista.
Post CCC/Cru, John and I were involved in two church plants where John was the worship director (with me, the sometimes-official/sometimes-not-official faithful assistant). And we are now on staff with Artists in Christian Testimony, Int’l (A.C.T.) where my ministry revolves around writing, teaching, and blogging on worship. I also love giving flute lessons to young flautists of all stages. [NOTE: With all of this music talk here, I want to make sure you know that my book is NOT about music at all – but just worship. Really. Ok, maybe 1%.]
Speaking of, Worship and the Word is my first book. And writing is an example of how God is definitely full of surprises! So if He fills me up with something else that needs to be poured out, I’ll do it again! (UPDATE: He did!)
John and I are blessed beyond words with 2 beautiful-inside-and-out daughters, 2 incredible sons-in-law, and 7 precious grandchildren! Lindsy and Jordan have 3 young, energetic, heart-stealing sons (with the 3rd adopted from China), and a very doted-over little girl. Krista and Ben (missionaries to the deaf in Jamaica, though now living locally here) blessed us with beyond adorable twins (daughter and son) and then another precious little boy! Very hard to contain all of the love! 🙂
More details? I have 2 cats (yes, they’re odd), love the west coast of Michigan in the summer (dislike Michigan winters), and am known for laughing until I cry. I’m no longer in my beloved Tennessee <sigh>, but between family, friends, and Tennessee football/basketball, my blood still runs orange. (If you don’t understand that, it’s totally ok!)
Speaking of – if you question whether or not we were created to be worshipers, just go to a football game – or observe fans at a concert of their favorite artist. Everyone worships someone or something. Everyone. But who really deserves our worship? Who is worthy of that deepest devotion and outpouring of our hearts? How does that happen? What does it look like? God’s word reveals all that we need to know – and it can change your life like it did mine. So I’m glad you’ve found my blog! Come back often (better yet, subscribe!) and bring others along!
- Pam